参考文章 在Verilog2001中,模块的递归调用是可能的,引用下面的一段话(出自上面的参考文章)
Many designers think that recursive techniques cannot be applied to hardware design. I’m not really sure where this misconception comes from. While it is true that i…
文章目录 UVM TLM Get Port Example1. 创建一个发送方类,其端口类型为 uvm_blocking_get_imp3. 创建接收器类,等待 get 方法。4. 在更高层次上连接端口及其实现Get端口阻塞行为任何组件都可以通过 TLM get 端口请求从另一个组件接收事务。发送组件应定义获取端口的实现。该实…
静态时序分析https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45791458/category_12567571.html?spm1001.2014.3001.5482 静态时序分析有两种模式:PBA(Path Based Analysis)和GBA(Graph Based Analysis),PBA是基于路径的分析模式而GBA则是基于图的分析模式。在…
目录 1. Clock and Reset Interface2. Duplex Power On and Reset Sequences2.1. Automatic Reset by hard errorSource Code2.2. Duplex Normal Manul Reset Sequences2.3. Duplex Power On Manul Reset Sequences2.4. Core Partners Reset Deadlock1. Clock and Reset Interf…
Use of Pipeline Stages in the Compactor
Pipeline stages有时能够通过提高扫描移位频率来提高数据通过compactor中逻辑的整体速率。pipeline stages是通过logic level保持中间值输出的寄存器,所以进入logic level中的值可能在一个时钟周期中更早地更新。因为EDT逻辑逻辑级数…